Liangliang Xu (徐亮亮) is currently an associate professor at Xidian University, and also a Postdoc under the supervision of Prof. Gennian Ge. Before joining in Xidian University, he worked as a research scientist of Huawei Cloud from 2022.08 to 2024.04. He received his Ph.D. degree in the School of Computer Science and Technology under the supervision of Prof. Yinlong Xu and associate Prof. Min Lyu at University of Science and Technology of China in 2022.06. He has published 10+ papers in top conferences and journals of storage systems, including INFOCOM, ICPP, IPDPS, HotStorage, HotOS, TIT, TC, TPDS and JPDC.
His research interests include designing and building dependable techniques (theory + system), e.g., erasure coding (RS/LRC/MSR codes, etc), for distributed persistent/caching(in-memory) storage systems.