Selected Projects
- MicroEC [TPDS 2024]. This project proposes a new workflow to deploy erasure coding in disaggregated memory storage system. I design the smart coding stack and fine-granulariity pipeline parallism. This project is implemented atop Apache Crail.
- SelectiveEC [HotStorage 2020, TPDS 2022]. This project proposes a balanced scheduling module, SelectiveEC, to dynamically select some stripes to be reconstructed in a batch, and select source and replacement nodes for each reconstruction task. It achieves balanced network recovery traffic, computing resources and disk I/Os against single node failure in erasure-coded storage systems. I design the scheduling algorithm, build the SelectiveEC prototype and validate it by simulation.
- PDL [INFOCOM 2020, TC 2021]. This project proposes an efficient PBD-based (Pairwise Block Design) Data Layout, PDL, to speed up data repair for single node failure in mixed erasure-coded distributed storage systems. It achieves almost uniform distribution, and higher repair performance due to reduced cross-rack traffic and load balance of read and write I/Os during repair process. I design the data distribution method, and the corresponding failure recovery scheme. And I also implement them in Hadoop 3.1.1.
- D3 [IPDPS 2019, TPDS 2020]. The proposed distribution D3 uniformly distributes data/parity blocks among nodes in large scale erasure-coded distributed storage systems, and minimizes the cross-rack repair traffic against a single node failure. I integrate the distribution D3 into HDFS-EC module of Hadoop 3.1.0 and evaluate the repair performance over Reed-Solomon codes. In the journal version, I extend it to locally repairable codes, provide efficient strategy to maintain the D3 data layout after recovery, and conduct more experimental evaluations.
- A Note on One Weight and Two Weight Projective Z4-codes [TIT 2017]. This is the work in my undergraduate. I solve the open problems about algebraic codes, moreover, I work out the diophantine problem and then give the sufficient conditions for the nonexistence of two-Lee weight projective codes over Z4 with type 4k12k2.